Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 8 commentaires et rétroaction

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Tony Van Bynen, MP for Newmarket-Aurora

Re: Newmarket-Aurora Riding Redistribution

I genuinely appreciate the opportunity to comment on the proposed riding redistributions. As a former mayor of Newmarket, I truly do understand the complexities and challenges of riding boundaries having experienced those when establishing ward boundaries in our community. The scale and scope of federal boundaries brings those complexities to a whole another level. However, I do believe the overarching principle of keeping communities intact is shared regardless of the scale of establishing voting districts. The work undertaken by the commission is to be applauded and I certainly do not envy the task ahead.

  1. I do want to comment on the proposed changes to Newmarket-Aurora. At the outset, it would be my hope and those of the community of Aurora to find a way to keep Aurora whole. Aurora is a distinct urban community. I acknowledge that in the proposed redistribution of the very northwest corner of Aurora, currently part of Newmarket-Aurora riding is proposed to move into the Aurora-Oak Ridges-Richmond Hill electoral
  2. I request that you reconsider the decision to add the northwest quadrant of Newmarket-Aurora riding (an area known as Harvest Hills that runs south of Greenlane) to that of New Tecumseth-Bradford. The Harvest Hills community shares little if anything in common with New Tecumseth-Bradford. It is for all intents and purposes part of Newmarket. In all aspects this is a community associated with Newmarket – both culturally and physically. The communities share services, shopping, schooling, and cultural events.

The transit routes are so interconnected there is nothing to indicate any degree of separation. At the same time Greenlane presents a clear delineation that impacts travel patterns and community affiliations. The Phoebe Gillman public school in Harvest Hills draws students from the area and is served by the York Region District School Board. Students in this community attend Newmarket secondary schools. Similarly, these residents' shop, attend social events, faith gatherings, use recreation facilities, parks, trails, and outdoor amenities located in Newmarket.

At an estimated population of 2100 people, Harvest Hills would not significantly impact the population count of the riding of Newmarket-Aurora bringing that number to 120,700. A number well below those in the southern parts of York Region. Removing that count from New Tecumseth-Bradford would lower that riding to 116,900, a count well within the norms of other ridings. I do hope you restore Harvest Hills to the Newmarket-Aurora riding, keeping intact the boundaries of natural communities.

If I can be of service or provide additional insight, I hope you will provide the opportunity to do so. The challenge is significant, but the process aims to support that challenge by providing community insights aimed to keep communities whole if possible. My suggestions achieve that purpose with the minimum of disruption to the proposed changes. I thank you for the opportunity to engage and wish you much success going forward.


Tony Van Bynen, MP for Newmarket-Aurora

Thank you

Thushy Thirun

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