Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 126 commentaires et rétroaction

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Evelyn Iwachewski Albert Russell

I understand that the Commission has proposed to reduce the number of seats in Northern Ontario and significantly change the exisiting ridings of Northwestern Ontario.

This change would adversely affect the representation of this area of Northwestern Ontario, and cause complications for the member of the riding, and its citizens. As you are no doubt aware, the ridings currently in this area of NWOntario are vast, and difficult to visit and access even during the best weather. Transportation including roads, highways, public transit, mail distribution, electronic communication are all very challenging in this area of Ontario. Making the area bigger only complicates the trouble.

Citizens in this area often feel so disconnected from the seats of government, both in Ontario (Queen's Park) and in Ottawa (House of Commons/Senate). A lot of people in Southern Ontario do not understand the distances involved in this area of the country. Thunder Bay is often confused with North Bay, and people think what's the problem.

Well the problem is that we need consideration for the challenges faced in this area; paring down the area to have less representation is not the solution.

Please consider our opinion. Thank you for your attention.

Evelyn Iwachewski

Albert Russell

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