Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 131 commentaires et rétroaction

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Christian Provenzano, Mayor, Sault Ste. Marie

Please see the attached correspondence from Sault Ste. Marie Mayor Christian Provenzano regarding a resolution passed by the City of Sault Ste. Marie's City Council on September 20, 2022 pertaining to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission

Office of the Mayor Corporation of the City of Sault Ste. Marie

September 22, 2022

Paula Puddy

Commission Secretary

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

PO Box 37018

London, Ontario

N6E 3T3

Ms. Puddy:

I am writing to bring to your attention a resolution passed by the City of Sault Ste. Marie's City Council on September 20, 2022 – attached hereto for your reference – regarding the proposed redistribution of electoral districts which would see the elimination of the Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing District and expansion of the riding boundary for Sault Ste. Marie.


Christian Provenzano

Christian C. Provenzano, B.A., LL.B., LL.M.

CC MP Terry Sheehan, Sault Ste. Marie Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities

P.O. Box xxx, xx xxxxxx xxxxx ~ Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ~ xxx xxx xxx-xxx-xxxx ~xxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx.xx

City Council Resolution Regular Council Meeting

Agenda Number: 9.2.

Title: Federal Electoral Boundaries

Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Moved by: Councillor C. Gardi

Seconded by: Councillor L. Vezeau-Allen

Whereas the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario is proposing a redistribution of electoral districts which would see the elimination of the Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing District and the creation of a mega-riding called Sault Ste. Marie; and

Whereas the elimination of that riding would reduce the number of Northern Ontario seats from ten to nine, weakening the North's voice in parliament; and

Whereas the Federal Boundary Commission proposal to cut representation in the north is contrary to the 2017 electoral boundary changes for Ontario that recognized the need to add two seats to ensure fair participation for northern residents: and

Whereas the new mega-riding of Sault Ste. Marie would incorporate Echo Bay, Bruce Mines, Thessalon, Wawa, most of Huron Shores, Chapleau, Dubreuilville, Hilton, Jocelyn, Johnson, Laird, Macdonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional, Plummer Additional, St. Joseph, Tarbutt, and White River, as well as Hilton Beach; and

Whereas the following First Nations reserves are also proposed for inclusion in Sault Ste. Marie riding: Chapleau No. 74A, Duck Lake No. 76B, Chapleau No. 75, Thessalon No. 12, and Chapleau Cree Fox Lake; and

Whereas the proposed new super-ridings will force municipalities to compete for a limited amount of riding funding which will further exacerbate inequities in the north; and

Whereas Northern Ontario's population per riding is already much higher than many other rural and isolated regions in Canada's north; and

Whereas Covid 19 has recently resulted in many Canadians moving to Sault Ste. Marie to live and work; and

Whereas the Rural and Immigration pilot has been very successful in attracting newcomers to Sault Ste. Marie and Area; and

Whereas the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario's proposal would fragment, diminish and reduce access to federal representation for the City and area residents; and

Whereas the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario is seeking public input on its proposed riding boundary changes, yet has scheduled only one in-person consultation in North East Ontario to be held in Timmins

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the City of Sault Ste. Marie urge the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario to not reduce the number of MPs for Northern Ontario, respect the geographical boundaries of cities and the makeup of the current ridings, and withdraw the proposal to eliminate the federal riding of Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing District and the expansion of the existing Sault Ste. Marie riding; and

Further Be It Resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Paula Puddy, Commission Secretary, Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario prior to the September 25th, 2022 deadline, as well as to Terry Sheehan MP and to the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities.

Yes No Conflict Absent
11 0 0 0

Yes: 11

  • Mayor C. Provenzano
  • Councillor P. Christian
  • Councillor S.
  • Councillor L. Dufour
  • Councillor L. Vezeau-Allen
  • Councillor D. Hilsinger Hollingsworth
  • Councillor M. Bruni Allen
  • Councillor C. Gardi
  • Councillor M.
  • Councillor R. Niro Shoemaker
  • Councillor M. Scott

No: 0

Conflict: 0

Absent: 0


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