Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 143 commentaires et rétroaction

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Christine Bedard, Chairperson, Gogama Chamber of Commerce

Please accept this letter from the Gogama Chamber of Commerce on the proposed matter of the Federal Redistribution of Electoral Boundaries.

Kind Regards

Christine Bedard


Gogama Chamber of Commerce

Gogama Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box XX Gogama, ON xxx xxx

September 22, 2022

Ms. Paula Puddy

Commission Secretary

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

PO Box 37018 Southdale

London, Ontario N6E 3T3

Re: Federal redistribution process of Electoral Boundaries

The Gogama Chamber of Commerce join our voices to others within the Northern Chambers of Commerce, comprised of the cities of Timmins, Greater Sudbury, North Bay and District, Sault Ste Marie, and Thunder Bay to name a few.

The Hamlet of Gogama is the home of 256 year-round residents, which over 65% of this population are seniors on fixed incomes. The community sees an annual increase to its seasonal population of an excess of 1200 people during the months of May through to October, all of which rely on the basic services such as water, sewer, fire protection and garbage collection/disposal.

Although Gogama is part of the Sudbury District, the community is one that is rural and isolated. Residents, permanent and seasonal alike, must travel 1.5 hours North to Timmins or 2.5 hours South to Sudbury in order to obtain necessities such as groceries and/or obtain healthcare and emergency services.

The community's economic foundation is heavily dependant on tourism in order to operate and keep the doors open and in so doing, relies greatly on the presence and support of their current M.P and M.P.P.

Over the past few decades, our community has formed a close bond, rapport and working relationship with the Federal Liberal government via our current M.P. Marc Serre. Moving the electoral line as it is being proposed would position Gogama with Timmins which, politically, provides no real advantage relating to population but it means a real-world difference to our community as it relates to required services and grants that our community so direly depends on.

Conducting business in an isolated, rural community in Northern Ontario already comes with challenges, given the vast geographical distances, supply chain constraints, out-migration and population decline, not to mention, the impact of long winter seasons and freeze/thaw cycles have on our infrastructure. This redistribution of electoral boundaries would greatly reduce our ability to advocate through our members of parliament which would pose a challenge to business organizations in serving community needs.

Gogama is located in what is called an unorganized territory and are governed by a Local Services Board. We are not a municipality and we do not reap the rewards of one. The essential services provided to our community by the Gogama Local Services Board are funded, in very small part, by a

Telephone/Fax: (xxx) xxx-xxxx

Gogama Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box XX Gogama, ON xxx xxx

fixed, capped annual grant of less than $50,000. The rest of the cost of services is downloaded directly onto the residents by way of user fees. Access to federal grant dollars is a necessity in order to continue to maintain, repair and replace critical infrastructure at government mandated standards.

Without M.P. Serre's assistance, perseverance and support of our community, neither the Gogama Chamber of Commerce nor the Gogama Local Services Board would have been successful in securing the grant dollars obtained since 2016 to current date, which is estimated at over $5 million dollars. Without some of these grants that help offset the cost of expenses, the cost of the water and sewer contract alone would see an increase of almost $600.00 per household in the fiscal year of 2022-23.

The Gogama Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Gogama Local Services Board wishes to take this opportunity to call on you to reject the proposal to remove one riding from Northern Ontario. Our community and businesses recognize the importance of fair and equitable representation in parliament, something that would be burdensome with the removal of a Northern riding.

Should you have any questions, concerns or comments, I invite you to reach out to me, Christine Bedard, via email at or by telephone at (xxx) xxx-xxxx.

Thank you for your time and consideration in these important consultations.

Kind Regards,

Christine Bedard Christine Bedard - Chairperson

Per: Gogama Chamber of Commerce

L. Veronneau Lorraine Veronneau – Vice Chariperson

Heather Krolikowski Heather Krolokowski – Secretary Treasurer

Pauline Gaudreau-Secord Pauline Gaudreau-Secord - Director

M B Marc Beland – Director

Rachellle Minarik Rachelle Minarik - Director

Telephone/Fax: (xxx) xxx-xxxx

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