Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 156 commentaires et rétroaction

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Retour aux commentaires et rétroaction du public

Carmen Shuparski Peter Shuparski

The 2022 redistribution proposal calls for Northern Ontario's federal ridings to be reduced from 10 to nine ridings with re-drawn lines that would impact nearly every community in the region.

It removes an elected Member of Parliament and subsequently a voice from an already underrepresented region of the country.

It is imperative that the commission preserves 10 federal districts in northern Ontario.

An important goal of the Commission is to not divide communities of interests. Historical and cultural characteristics of a community are important to the people who live there. It is also important to take into consideration key elements of how people live, work, play, go to school, and receive crucial services such as emergency and health care services.

The commission's proposed changes to the riding of Sudbury electoral boundaries do provide for continuity of service and better reflect communities of interest.

Thank you for your work and your consideration.


Carmen and Peter Shuparski

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