Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 171 commentaires et rétroaction

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Tim Dubois

I grew up in North Bay, lived in the north for 20+ years. I have lived in Southern Ontario all my adult life. (Toronto and now Southwestern Ontario)

Reducing Northern Ontario Federal representation by 1 seat is improper, leaving less voices to speak for such a huge landmass is in my mind short sighted. The resource extraction has a price, and that price is paid in voices that can speak for the northern region. How can the Canadian government justify adding a seat in the south and taking that seat from the north. Sorry but there is no justifying that to save an MP salary and administration? Cant be justified. The north needs protecting and the protection does not come from a seat in the south. Just saying.

Tim Dubois

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