Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 173 commentaires et rétroaction

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Peter LaRocque

In the news this week, is the Federal Riding Change and that it is necessary because of population decline. Perhaps our Federal MP's have missed something here in the north over the past five years that could and should have prevented this from happening? Are the powers that be, sure that our population in the north is declining? I am in the storage business, and since Covid struck, we have had a significant increase of people relocating to the north to get out of the cities. In my opinion, our area, and the entire area of Northern Ontario will see an increase in population on the next census. I feel that as we remember the Great Fire 100 years ago, and the devastating effects we have felt since, that we haven't seen anything like the influx of new residents we are welcoming now. Not to mention, the significant new mineral exploration and the potential of three hundred jobs pending the completion of Electric Battery Materials Corporation-with their ambitious plans for a battery industrial park.

Let this riding change wait for the next census or at least perform a mini census before they enact this damaging legislation. I am quite certain the numbers will show that the north is growing.

Thank You,

Peter LaRocque

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