Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 187 commentaires et rétroaction

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Carol Mccrory

I want to know what you are doing to northern Ontario? You have reduced our transportation to a shambles.No proper bus nor train service.Only Air Canada and Porter for those who can afford it.For those whom have had the misfortune of driving the highways from Sudbury to Hearst, Kapuskasing or Timmins in the winter know full well that you need nerves of steel if the weather turns sour.Even driving Hwy 69 from Sudbury to the four laning is not a picnic in bad conditions.Now you want to divide and separate us even further by enlarging the boundaries so we are left with less power and say.What has caused this to happen? Some person/persons that came up with a "bright idea" I'll bet.I'm angry and you know it.

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