Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 189 commentaires et rétroaction

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Susan MacKay

As a taxpayer and member of Northern Ontario for 72 years, I strenuously object to the redrawing of the ridings to create the huge geographic riding proposed. This will prevent access to the elected member by so many of the inhabitants of this super riding due to the distances and other barriers faced by members of the riding. In addition to the further difficulties faced by distance and access by citizens, small business will also be disconnected from our representative.

At a time when there should be more input to help inform our government representative, this proposal instead further disenfranchises citizens. It is a barrier to further development and expansion of business and services. It also puts the needs of other citizens in more dense populations ahead of the sometimes unique concerns of northerners.

Please remember us, we really do live here and want to be heard.


Susan MacKay

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