Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 190 commentaires et rétroaction

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Andre J. Bisson Lucie C. Bisson

Email 1

I've sent you my submission along with letters of support. Although these letters might have been presented by other presenters, I wanted to make sure that they were all filed accordingly as I've worked with most of the people who wrote those letters. I would like to thank you and the Commission for taking the time to read every single submission as they tell an interesting story of Northern Ontario. Having worked and lived in all parts of the province with all levels of government and many executive boards, I can offer an overall perspective. I've also worked for over 30 years in policing and have firsthand experienced/knowledge on the connection of proper representation in large to small remote communities and the devastating impacts to communities when their voices are not heard. I hope that my perspective gives some insight into Northern Ontario.

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