Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 196 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jeremy Dutton

I am writing to express my concerns about the elimination of the Kenora electoral district, and the creation of "Kenora Thunder-Bay Rainy River"

This new riding will result in the smaller communities in Northwestern Ontario losing their voice. Specifically I fear it will be drowned out by the needs of Thunder Bay

Smaller communities have different issues than larger centres like Thunder Bay, and it's important that they be grouped with other smaller centres in order to maximize their voice and be heard. This fact has been recognized by the fact that for nearly 100 years there has been an Electoral District centred on the Kenora District (in some cases including the Rainy River District) in some form or another. This proposal upends this.

I would much rather see the Kenora and Rainy River districts share an electoral district than for it to be lumped into Thunder-Bay.


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