Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 198 commentaires et rétroaction

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Madeleine Beaudry

See attached.

Ms. Paula Puddy

Commission Secretary

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

PO Box 37018 Southdale

London, Ontario N6E 3T3

October 18, 2022

Re: Proposed Redistribution for Northern Ontario

Dear Ms. Puddy,

The West Nipissing/Sudbury East Federation of Agriculture represents the interests and needs of over 200 farm families in the area, including those in Verner, Sturgeon Falls, Cache Bay, Warren, Blezard Valley and Sudbury. We are concerned with the proposed federal redistribution boundaries, specifically those that will impact the ridings encompassing Nickelbelt & Nipissing.

These proposed changes could result in several detrimental impacts to residents, including:

  • Inadequate delivery of constituency services in rural areas
  • Reducing access to federal funding programs throughout the area, including the loss of Canada Summer Jobs program funding

Further, the proposed composition could dilute the voices and needs of rural residents and rural areas due to the amalgamation of these areas with larger centers. The farming communities from Verner to Blezard Valley are diverse but have two commonalities, specifically that they produce food and that as a population, they have a strong francophone background. Splitting these communities between multiple ridings could impact the relationships, networks, and collaborations within the industry. Most people don't know how food is produced and it is important that these farming communities can engage and interact with elected representation that best represents the area.

The Commission can draw boundaries to account for communities of interest or make exceptions for extraordinary circumstances and we ask that the Commission retain the existing boundaries for ridings that encompass Nipissing & Nickelbelt. This will ensure that the federal representation in this area can represent the rural needs of the North and the unique rural needs of the region itself, rather than risk facing potential conflicts between local rural and urban needs. Further, Northern Ontario shouldn't lose a seat, reducing access to essential services for people across the North.


Madeleine Beaudry

Madeleine Beaudry, President West Nipissing/Sudbury East Federation of Agriculture

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