Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 205 commentaires et rétroaction

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Randy Nickle

I am a resident, father and business person in Kenora, Ontario. I have lived in this region since 1993. I am writing today in opposition of the proposed realignment of our electoral region.

There are a number of reasons I oppose this realignment but I will just focus in a few.

In the past if and when I have had any federal issues the ease at which I had the opportunity to meet in person with our MP's Nault, Valley, Rickford or now Melillo has been integral to them hearing my voice.

In the last 3 years over the Covid period I have met with MP Melillo on a number of issues ranging from wage subsidies to temporary foreign workers and the Northern and Rural Immigration program. With these issues having regional differences I would be surprised that one MP covering the vastness of the Thunder Bay and Kenora region will be up to the task.

As a concerned Northerner I truly believe that we have enough differences in our communities west of Thunder Bay that we should not be just piled in to the same electoral district.

I do not feel that my voice will be well represented by amalgamating our riding.

I hope that the Commission has heard our concerns in this region. I applaud you for your transparency to the process. The number of open houses that you have hosted across the North seems to show me that you are truly wanting to listen to the people that you will effect with any changes. Your decisions to extend the time frame for submissions has also been noted and I hope that will help you to make the correct decisions for our riding and our people. I hope that you have heard our concerns and that you will look at leaving our Kenora electoral region untouched. Thank you for your time


Randy Nickle

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