Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 225 commentaires et rétroaction

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Serene Chalmers

I am writing to let you know that I don't agree with the proposed redistribution for federal electoral districts. I attended the public hearing in Timmins and I don't feel there is a lot I can say that hasn't already been expressed by our local leaders. Please listen to them as they speak for all of us. Not everyone is able to write to you and attend the hearings but everyone cares about this issue.

I can't express to you (nor would you really understand as you come from cities) how important it is for us to have access to our MP - your proposed changes would make this more difficult for us. Instead of travelling for hours, we might have to travel for a day or even days! In rural Ontario, these offices act a point of access for Federal Services. You mentioned representation by population but it must be by community of interest. Also, the census data used was not entirely accurate. Personally, I had to call the census bureau MULTIPLE times to get them to send me the census. I was persistent but I'm sure many others were not - those not aware of the census, the elderly who aren't online and Indigenous Peoples in remote communities who do not have access to reliable internet.

I took notes during the public hearing and am happy to speak with you about the MANY reasons why this is a bad decision. Please consider all the information submitted with compassion and understanding.

Kind regards,

Serene Chalmers

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