Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 70 commentaires et rétroaction

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Virginia Montminy, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Evanturel

R: Support – Township of Coleman – Petitions Withdrawal of Proposal to Eliminate a Federal Riding in Northern Ontario; and Introduction of Legislation to Guarantee Minimum Number of Ridings – Northern Ontario

The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Evanturel, District of Temiskaming, at the regular council meeting of September 14, 2022, supported the Corporation of the Township of Coleman in its petitions to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario regarding the withdrawal of the proposal to eliminate a Federal Riding in Northern Ontario; and to introduce legislation to provide for a minimum of guaranteed ridings for Northern Ontario.

Find enclosed a copy of Township of Coleman Resolution No. 22-08-31-02 authorizing these peitions.

Also find enclosed a true certified copy of Resolution No. 6 passed in open council September 14, 2022, authorizing the support of the Township of Evanturel.

Yours truly,

Virigina Montminy Clerk The corporation of the township of evanturel

Encl: c.c. Temiskaming Municipal Association (TMA) Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Charlie Angus – MP Timmins-James Bay John Vanthof – MPP Timiskaming-Cochrane Township of Coleman

Certified true copy of resolution no. 22-08-31-02 passed at a special council meeting held august 31, 2022

Resolution No. 22-08-31-02

Moved by:
Councillor Lois Perry
Seconded by:
Councillor Susan Cote

Whereas the Township of Coleman has been represented by the Member of Parliament for Nipissing-Timiskaming since 2003; and

Whereas the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario has proposed the elimination of one Riding in Northern Ontario and a redistribution of the remaining Electoral Ridings; and

Whereas the Township of Coleman and other municipalities in the South Temiskaming area would be part of a newly created Electoral Riding known as Cochrane-Timmins-Timiskaming; and

Whereas the population of the existing Riding of Nipissing-Timiskaming meets the population requirements to maintain the Federal Riding; and

Whereas the communities that comprise the current Electoral Riding of Nipissing-Timiskaming form a geopolitical entity that would be fragmented by the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario's proposal; and

Whereas this fragmentation would diminish and reduce access to Federal representation for the residents of the Township of Cochrane; and

Whereas there is potential for the Province of Ontario to adopt the Federal electoral boundaries to establish Provincial electoral boundaries, which would repeat the negative effects on Provincial representation for the people and communities in Northern Ontario; and,

Whereas the ability to effectively represent diverse, small, rural communities continues to be eroded with the loss of Electoral Ridings in Northern Ontario.

Now therefore be it resolved that the Corporation of the Township of Coleman hereby petitions the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission to withdraw the proposal to eliminate a Federal Riding in Northern Ontario; and

Further that the Township of Coleman petitions the Federal Government to introduce legislation that would provide for a minimum number of guaranteed Ridings for Northern Ontario to ensure the voices of Northern and Rural Communities is not stifled; and

Further that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Temiskaming Municipal Association, the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities, the Honourable Anthony Rota MP for Nipissing-Timiskaming, and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.


I hereby certify this to be a true copy of Resolution NO. 22-08-31-02.

Christopher W. Oslund Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk-Treasurer

Resolution of Council

Moved by:
Herry Gravel
Seconded by:
Mike Fricker
September 14, 2022
Resolution No:

That the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Evanturel hereby resolves to support the Corporation of the Township of Coleman in its petition to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission to withdraw the proposal to eliminate a Federal Riding in Northern Ontario;

And further that the Federal Government introduces legislation that would provide for a minimum number of guaranteed Ridings for Northern Ontario to ensure the voices of Northern and Rural Communities are not stifled;

And further that this resolution be forwarded to Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario, the Temiskaming Municipal Association (TMA), the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM), Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO); Charlie Angus – MP Timmins-James Bay; John Vanthof – MPP Timiskaming-Cochrane; and the Township of Coleman.

Carried: President Officer – Barbara Beachey

Re: Support – Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) Comments – Federal Electoral Ridings – Northern Ontario

The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Evanturel, District of Temiskaming, at the regular council meeting of September 14, 2022, supported the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) in its letter dated September 5, 2022, to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario regarding the proposed redistribution and elimination of the current Federal ridings in Northern Ontario.

Find enclosed a copy of the letter from FONOM dated September 5, 2022.

Also find enclosed a true certified copy of Resolution No. 7 passed in open council September 14, 2022, authorizing the support of the Township of Evanturel.

Yours truly,

Virigina Montminy Clerk The corporation of the township of evanturel Encl: c.c. Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Charlie Angus – MP Timmins-James Bay John Vanthof – MPP Timiskaming-Cochrane Township of Coleman

September 5, 2022

Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution – Ontario Commission PO Box 37-18 Southdale London, Ontario, N6E 3T23

To Whom It May Concern;

The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) is the unified voice of Northeastern Ontario, representing and advocating on behalf of 110 cities, towns, and municipalities. Our mission is to improve the economic and social quality of life for all northerners and to ensure the future of our youth.

As President of FONOM, I want to commend the Commission for adding Indigenous Representation to the Redistribution Plan for Northern Ontario. But I want to share some of my concerns about the Redistribution plan's negative impacts on Northern Ontario. Currently, Northern Ontario has ten Electoral Districts, with the proposed plan reducing that number to eight. FONOM would ask that the Commission retain the current ten Electoral Districts as they are today, plus the planned Indigenous Representation!

Geographically, Northern Ontario is quite large. The distance from North Bay to the Manitoba border is 1623 kilometres (the distance from North Bay to Charlottetown is 1693 Kilometres). Your research shows you that the existing ridings are large already. Currently, the Members have a difficult job fairly representing their constituents. The MPs do an admirable job and represent Canada well, but we believe the new alignments will make their efforts seven more difficult. FONOM would ask that the Commission retain the current ten Electoral Districts as they are today! Especially in the Northeast as any redistribution will divide our established First Nations, Francophone, and Municipal Associations.

We are also concerned that the planned consultation for Northern Ontario is only in Timmins and virtual. I have real concerns with only one in-person consultation session for a region of the province this realignment covers. This vital consultation is also coincident with a Municipal Election. As a Municipal Politician running for re-election, I believe that very few individuals will take the time away from campaigning to drive to Timmins for the session on October 11th. The Northern Ontario session is also happening in the middle of the Hunting Season. The timing of the Commission's consultation highlights further lack of understanding of our part of Ontario. FONOM recommends you increase and extend the consultation in Northern Ontario until January 2023!

Also, I have to mention the Redistribution website is very hard to navigate. We believe anyone using the site to find the impacts of their community would be hard-pressed to get the information they seek. For your information, several web design firms are using focus groups of fifty- and sixty-year-olds to beta test interactive websites to ensure their product is user-friendly. FONOM would recommend to the Commission that they ensure they improve upon this platform for the next realignment in 2032.

Thank you.

Danny Whalen President, FONOM

Resolution of Council

Moved by:
Rob MacPherson
Seconded by:
Henry Gravel
September 14, 2022
Resolution No:

That the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Evanturel (Council) hereby resolves to support the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) in its comments listed in a letter, dated September 5, 2022, to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario (the Commission) the regarding the proposed elimination of a Federal Riding in Northern Ontario;

And further that the Council supports the recommendations stated by FONOM as follows:

  1. The Commission retains the current ten Electoral Districts as they are today, plus the planned Indigenous Representation.
  2. The Commission retains the current ten Electoral Districts as they are today, especially in the Northeast as any distribution will divide our established First Nations, Francophone, and Municipal Associations.
  3. The Commission increases and extends the consultation in Northern Ontario until January 2023.
  4. The Commission ensures it will improve upon the Redistribution Website/Platform for the next realignment in 2032;

And further that this resolution be forwarded to Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario, the Temiskaming Municipal Association (TMA), the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM), Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO); Charlie Angus – MP Timmins-James Bay; John Vanthof – MPP Timiskaming-Cochrane.

Carried: President Officer – Barbara Beachey

Re: Electoral Boundary Representation – Federal Ridings – Northern Ontario

The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Evanturel, District of Temiskaming, at the regular council meeting of September 14, 2022, passed the enclosed resolution calling on the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario to maintain the current electoral representation of Federal Ridings in Northern Ontario.

The Municipality is not requesting special consideration for Northern Ontario – only fairness as outlined in the resolution.

Find enclosed a true certified copy of Resolution No. 8 passed in open council September 14, 2022, authorizing this request from the Township of Evanturel.

Yours truly,

Virginia Montminy. Clerk The Corporation of the Township of Evanturel Enclo: c.c. Charlie Angus – MP Timmis-James Bay John Vanthof – MPP Timisakming-Cochrane

Resolution of Council

Moved by:
Mike Fricker
Seconded by:
Rob MacPherson
September 14, 2022
Resolution No:

Whereas the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario (the Commission) has proposed to remove one of the electoral ridings from Northern Ontario;

And whereas the proposal to diminish Northern Ontario's voice in Parliament will have a detrimental effect on participatory democracy and regional development as the issues in Northern Ontario are significantly different than the issues facing the urban south;

And whereas the proposal of the Commission to cut representation in the North is contrary to the 2017 electoral boundary changes for Ontario that recognized the need to add two seats to ensure fair participation for northern residents;

And whereas the proposed new super ridings will force municipalities to compete for a limited amount of riding funding will further exacerbate inequities in the North;

And whereas the courts have ruled that representation in Canada's democracy is not based merely on population but on regions of interest and the right of citizens to engage with their elected representatives;

And whereas any changes to electoral boundaries should be based on the principles of maintaining communities of interest within boundaries that are equitable in terms of population and geography;

Now therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Evanturel calls on the Commission to maintain the electoral representation of Northern Ontario and ensure that any boundaries are done in a manner that responds to regional and local needs.

Carried: President Officer – Barbara Beachey

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