Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 84 commentaires et rétroaction

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Gerry Talbot

Can you please advise why the electoral line affecting my community of Gogama was moved to now proposed to be with Cochrane – Timmins instead of Nickel Belt where we currently are at present. It took us years to establish a rapport with the Federal Liberal government via our MP Marc Serre. Moving the electoral line puts us with Timmins which politically provides no real advantage relating to population. However, it means the world to us when it comes to dealing with the Liberal government when it relates to required services and grants. Moving the line would mean starting all over again and to compound the matter, we would be dealing with an NDP MP. The line is in the middle of nowhere so why not leave us with Nickel Belt.

Keep in mind that we are in unorganized territory and governed by a Local Services Board. We are not a municipality. Moving the line so that we would be in Cochrane – Timmins makes no sense. Can you provide pros and cons of why the lectoral line was moved.

In anticipation of a reply before the closing date of September 25th, 2022, I remain,


Gerry Talbot

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