Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 86 commentaires et rétroaction

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Darlene Mills

I have read an article reguarding parliment's desire to cut 1 riding away from Northern Ontario......But increase a riding in the Brampton area??????????

What are they thinking????

People in southern Ontario have access to all , everything is easier for Southern On residence to get help and be heard. All amenities are just blocks away.

Remote communities in Northern Ontario require air services to get to help!!

Oh, purhaps the populations of our GREAT WHITE NORTH fall under the category of Who cares!!! Indigenous peoples!!! Who cares!!

Poor drinking water, poor medical help, poor mental depression help, poor housing, over inflated food costs, isolated, isolation, Who cares!!!! Who cares!!!!

The many members that coagulation in Southern Ontario cry, cry, cry, They have rights, to mental health, medical help, housing, drinking water etc, etc, Residence of Southern Ontario Can walk to all ammenities!!! Have access to all ammenities!!!!

The populations of Northern Ontario do not! Have access, can't walk a couple blocks to get help!!!

Dont turn your backs to the people of Northern Ontario!!

Increase the riding of Northern Ontario!!!! Increase the riding in Northern Ontario!!!!

Voter, Tax payer, D.M.

Ps. What gives the population of Southern On, more rights, then the population of Northern On???

Waiting for your response.... D.Mills

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