Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 90 commentaires et rétroaction

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Allistair McRae

This letter is regarding the proposed changes to the boundaries of the Kenora/Rainy River riding. This change was implemented at the provincial level over four years ago. The change affected the Municipalities of Red Lake, Ear Falls, and most likely; Sioux Lookout and Pickle Lake in a hugely adverse way. Government funding is difficult to receive at best. Our communities are reliant on it for most infrastructure projects which entail sewer and water, safe roadways, sporting and entertainment facilities, etc. On the provincial level there has already been a reduction of funds in Red Lake for certain projects where communities to the south (Dryden, Kenora ,etc)are announcing improvements regularly. I feel the new proposal will only leave us floating in the wind.

I have to question the real reason behind the proposal? A look at the population numbers and "special consideration" leads me to think that government wants to give a stronger voice in parliament to our northern residents. I believe they should be better represented, however, not at the sacrifice of a few southern communities in the new proposed riding (Keewettinoong).

On a logistical front, travelling the north is difficult at best, Weather can impact it in a detrimental fashion, The number of all season roads is minimal making air travel the best method and in many cases the only way of getting from point A TO B. This is highly cost prohibitive and would limit the amount of visible leadership we now experience.

Thank you for the opportunity to respond.


Allistair McRae

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