Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 92 commentaires et rétroaction

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Les Lisk

I am sending this letter of objection to express my views on the redistribution of the riding of Nickel Belt.

The first point to be made is the actual name of our riding---Nickel Belt.

If the boundaries change there will no longer be any nickel mines or smelters located within the riding. This would be ridiculous!

Current boundaries promote cohesion and unity of the many small towns that surround the riding of Sudbury, which represents the "old" city of Sudbury. Changing these historic boundaries will create confusion and divisions within our district. All of the area currently represented by Nickel Belt, have many issues and concerns in common.

The width of the riding increases immensely across Manitoulin Island, and to get to the western end of the riding, the M.P. would have to travel by car through two other neighbouring ridings. This does not make sense!

Does anyone who proposes these changes of redistribution even know this area? Has anyone studied an actual map to see the "layout" of the land, and where the centres of population are located?

Cut Northern Ontario some slack, and leave our current ridings alone.

We are a vast geographical area, with sparser population than southern Ontario and we deserve special consideration

We deserve proper representation, and our Member of Parliament (whoever that might be), will not be able to give the proposed "new" riding, the attention that it requires and deserves because of these new "borders".

Please recognize these special circumstances, and leave well enough alone.

Too much time and money is wasted making unnecessary changes.


Les Lisk

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