Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 93 commentaires et rétroaction

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Hank Rowlinson, Chair Métis Nation of Ontario

Hello please find attached my objection letter related to the proposed electoral boundary changes to Northern Ontario.

Miigwetch - Merci - Thank You

Hank Rowlinson Chair Métis Nation of Ontario

To Ms. Paula Puddy and the entire Ontario Commission,

My name is Hank Rowlinson, I am Chair of the Metis Nation of Ontario. I feel compelled to share this correspondence with you on behalf of my constituents as we have a sincere concern on how the Metis people in our region may be impacted in relation to the proposed changes to the Federal Electoral Boundaries specifically in Northern Ontario.

Metis people have struggled for years to be visible and have a voice with all levels of government. We have made some historic strides in recent years but have a long way to go. Now, with the proposal of the new federal boundaries, it is clear that we are facing more of an uphill battle due to the unproportioned representation northerners will be left with should the proposed federal electoral boundaries become a reality.

I have shared and discussed these proposed changes with many people in my circle and it is beyond troubling how this can proceed without a fair and transparent consultation period with all First Nation and Metis communities including all residents of Northern Ontario. It is feared that this will also badly impact economic development opportunities, which will affect jobs and hurt local economies and hit families that are already feeling the effects of inflation and access to goods.

Northern Ontario has a high density of First Nations and Metis communities and all we keep hearing about is reconciliation with indigenous communities, but then we hear of this potentially big change to our electoral landscape and feel like we are being pulled back in time with the loss of a riding. We need and deserve effective representation in Ottawa, that will ensure our concerns, voices, and needs are heard loud and clear.

It is my sincere hope that the Commission will reconsider this proposal and further reflect on the concerns and true consequences for Northerners of having less representation. I am asking the commission to if anything add more representation or leave things as they are to avoid future hardships.

All Indigenous communities and all residents of the North deserve to have a fair voice in the House of Commons and be on the same playing field as people from Southern Ontario.

I am hopeful we will have an opportunity to further voice our concerns and how this proposal will impact all peoples in Northern Ontario.


Hank Rowlinson Chair of the Metis Nation of Ontario

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