Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 29 commentaires et rétroaction

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Bonnie Mack

I am writing to voice my opinion on the proposed redistribution of the electoral boundaries in Ottawa's Ward 5 West Carleton-March presently known as Kanata-Carleton.

The proposed new boundaries will break up the existing Kanata-Carleton which is a single municipal ward into 3 separate sections so it would be represented by 3 different members of Parliament instead of the existing single member.

The most egregious re-distribution is adding a large section of Ward 5 to the Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke to create the proposed Algonquin-Renfrew-Pembroke riding. Residents of Kinburn, Galetta, Dunrobin and Constance Bay have far more in common with residents of Ottawa than they do with residents of Renfrew. This would be very poor representation.

The existing riding should not be broken up into 3. If the ward boundaries need to be re-drawn then it should be broken up into no more than 2 sections.


Bonnie Mack

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