Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 31 commentaires et rétroaction

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Retour aux commentaires et rétroaction du public

David E. Smith

See attached.


Subject: Proposed New District of Kanata

Dear Justice Leitch,

I am writing to you to express my support for the proposed new district of Kanata and the necessary changes to the surounding rural ridings.

This past decade has seen Kanata’s population grow substantially. No doubt, this expansion will continue given the active development projects in both business and residential sectors.

The proposed boundries allow a growing suburban centre which, in turn, requires merging the sparsely populated rural communities into neighbouring ridings. I understand that the inclusion of Kanata-Carleton's rural populations into neighbouring ridings Lanark - Frontenac and Algonquin - Renfew - Pembroke brings both of these ridings closer to the electoral quotient.

As a resident of both the old and the new Kanata boundries (where I vote) and as a property owner in Lanark, I encourage the Commission to uphold its proposed boundaries.

This proposal for the suburban area satisfies the electoral quotient while also reuniting Kanata - Carleton rural communities with neighbouring ridings and their shared communities of interest and values.

I earnestly implore you to move forward with the Proposed Redistribution Plan. I believe that the proposed electoral district of Kanata addresses past and future growth of urban Kanata, and would improve the status of rural residents.


David E. Smith

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