Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 33 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jennifer Harwood

I understand that you are seeking feedback from residents affected by the proposed 2022/2023 Ontario Redistribution of Electoral Districts. I have been a resident of Kanata for almost 20 years. I was extremely disappointed and confused by the strange proposed reconfiguration of the electoral districts for my area. It makes no sense to how our community operates as a unit in every day life, and it will only result in dividing up our common concerns among several different MPs - a most inefficient and unnecessary result. I also fail to understand the reason for this strange reconfiguration given that our population is virtually bang on the 'electoral quotient' your committee wishes to achieve. Clearly a reconfiguration is completely unnecessary for that purpose.

I request that the proposed reconfiguration be scrapped for Kanata and the riding left as it was in the past election.


Jennifer Harwood

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