Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 38 commentaires et rétroaction

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Geoffrey Crowe

I am writing to you today about the proposed electoral districts for Ottawa; specifically, I would like to express my support for the proposed new district of Kanata.

I have had the pleasure of living in Kanata since October 2009, during which I have witnessed the incredible growth of the community I live in, and those around me.

The 2016 census data shows Kanata’s population has risen to over 117,000 residents, increasing over 12% in just five years time. It is impossible to drive through the area and not witness the large residential developments underway, showing Kanata’s population will continue to expand further over the years to come.

I strongly support the Commission upholding its proposed boundaries for the Kanata riding, as it satisfies the electoral quotient while also reuniting rural communities with neighbouring ridings and their shared communities of interest and values. As Kanata continues to grow our rural populace’s concerns are becoming more and more overshadowed by the greater population in the suburban areas.

I support including the Hazeldean North area into the riding of Kanata as Stittsville and Kanata are similar in interest. Many residents who work in Kanata reside in Stittsville, especially the Hazeldean North area. As well many students who attend Kanata schools reside in Stittsville, showing the intertwined nature of our communities which would benefit from being brought together under the same Federal riding boundaries.

Kanata and Stittsville are considered under the umbrella of “the population centre of Kanata”for the purpose of census collection, indicating that Federal government entities already recognize the similarities of these two areas for the purpose of administering Federal services.

The inclusion of Bells Corners into the riding of Kanata satisfies religious interests, as the majority of Muslim Kanata residents—especially those living in my own neighborhood of Bridlewood (in Kanata’s Southern end)—attend a mosque located mere minutes away in Bells Corners (the Jami Omar Mosque). They would be better served with their place of worship being included in the proposed Kanata riding.

The Commission’s proposed boundaries for the riding of Kanata satisfy both the electoral quotient and the need to unite communities of interest and identity.

I heartedly implore you to move forward with the Proposed Redistribution Plan as outlined, recognizing the past and continued future growth of Kanata, the proposed electoral district of Kanata would enable better representation for this distinct and growing suburb in our Nations Capital.


Geoffrey Crowe

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