Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 39 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jennifer Stewart

Concerning the subject mentioned above, I wish to offer my comments, in the attached letter, on the proposed electoral districts for Ottawa.

Thank you in advance,

Jennifer Stewart
Founder and CEO
Syntax Strategic

The Honourable Justice Lynne C. Leitch
Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario
PO Box 37018 Southdale
London, Ontario
N6E 3T3

Subject: Proposed Electoral Districts

Dear Justice Leitch,

I am writing to you today about the proposed electoral districts for Ottawa; specifically, I would like to express my whole hearted support for the proposed new district of Kanata.

As a local business owner in the Village of Carp and active member of the Carp Village Business Improvement Area, I dedicate a lot of my time supporting our local businesses in advocating and creating an environment for business success.

The Village of Carp is a quaint and distinct community within the Riding of Kanata-Carleton. Our residents naturally rely on the services offered in the suburban part of the Riding - the growing community of Kanata.

I was very happy to see that the proposed redistribution plan recognizes that the current Riding of Kanata-Carleton is too large and does not recognize the distinct nature of the rural versus suburban parts of the current Riding. These areas have very different needs, concerns, and distinct communities.

I earnestly implore you to move forward with the Proposed Redistribution Plan, recognizing that the proposed electoral district of Kanata acknowledges past and future growth of Kanata and would enable better representation for our residents and businesses alike.


Jennifer Stewart
Founder and CEO – Syntax Strategic

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