Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 60 commentaires et rétroaction

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Laura Dudas

Deputy Mayor/Mairesse suppléante —Ottawa
 Councillor/Conseillère — Quartier Innes Ward

August 23, 2022

Dear Marie-France Lalonde,

I am writing you today to express, in the strongest terms possible, my opposition to the proposed plans to move the community of Blackburn Hamlet from the federal electoral district (riding) of Orleans to Ottawa-Vanier, as part of the upcoming redistribution.

I appreciate that there is always a fear of change, and a desire for the status quo in these matters, however I have emphasize, as the sitting Ward Councillor for the area, Ottawa’s Deputy Mayor, the past president of the Blackburn Hamlet Community Association (9 years leading up to my election as Ward Councillor), as well as a long-term resident; I have to be unambiguously clear, this change, the joining of an exclusively suburban community with the urban riding of Ottawa-Vanier is demonstrably a poor pairing.

By all measures: whether historical connections, community character and make-up, residents’ commercial activities, and even how residents define and see themselves, it is exclusively with the rest of Orleans. Blackburn Hamlet has never, and likely will never, see themselves as part of the communities in Ottawa-Vanier, even those community that make up the eastern half of the riding. In addition, I think of those homes and businesses along St. Joseph Boulevard. For example, the multi-generational, Orleans Fruit Farm, would no longer be in the riding of Orleans. This redistribution fully severs a unified community, calving off Blackburn Hamlet and the adjoining streets.

Further, even the City of Ottawa recognizes the distinctive nature of those urban neighbourhoods “within the Greenbelt” and those suburban ones outside. From zoning and planning in the Official Plan, to the approach taken in the Transportation Master Plan, Blackburn Hamlet is aligned with Orleans, completely separate and distinct from those neighbourhoods within the Greenbelt.

The independent commission charged with redistributing ridings and adjusting their boundaries is tasked with balancing ridings across the country, they can be forgiven for not being familiar with the local-level knowledge of our communities. It is in that vein that I ask you, as our Member of Parliament, to raise this concern and ensure that Blackburn Hamlet remains with the rest of Orleans. As you yourself know, the interests and needs of Blackburn Hamlet are entirely the same as those suburban communities in the rest of your riding. Yet, the needs of the Blackburn Hamlet community, are wildly different from those of the Ottawa-Vanier communities of Lowertown, the ByWard Market, or even those higher density, easterly neighbourhoods along Montreal Road.

Thank you very much for taking the time to consider this letter and concerns.

 Cc: The Hon. Mona Fortier, MP Ottawa-Vanier


Laura Dudas
Councillor/Conseillère — Quartier Innes Ward
City Hall, Ward Office
Ottawa, Ontario

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