Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 74 commentaires et rétroaction

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Eli El-Chantiry, City Councillor

West Carleton-March Ward 5

See attached.

Image of Eli El-Chantiry and business address

Dear Justice Leitch, Professor Bird and Professor Loewen,

I am writing to you today to share with you the importance of ensuring one federal Member of Parliament continues to represent the voices of residents living in West Carleton-March Ward 5 within the City of Ottawa. The proposed federal electoral district boundary changes would divide West Carleton-March into three federal electoral districts. Currently, West Carleton-March is included within the Kanata-Carleton riding and is represented by Kanata-Carleton MPP Jenna Sudds.

While West Carleton-March is a rural area, there are close ties with Kanata. Many residents conduct their business, shopping, and attend school and work in nearby Kanata. Many residents in Kanata and West Carleton-March share common identities, values, history and interests.

I echo and respect the views expressed by several residents from Carp and Dunrobin, both villages within West Carleton-March, who registered to speak before the Commission during the Redistribution Public Hearing at the Museum of Nature on Oct. 20. Their opposition to dividing Ward 5 into three districts is understandable.

It is not the best way to serve our community. If the proposed redistribution is approved, many West Carleton-March residents will have to travel to Pembroke to meet with MP Gallant while others would have to travel to Carleton Place to visit the offices of MP Reid. This will place a burden on the seniors and the youth in our community as not everyone has access to transportation and many residents do not feel comfortable driving long distances, especially in the long winter months. For example, a resident of Constance Bay in West Carleton-March would be required to drive 1 hour and 18 minutes one way to reach MP Gallant's constituency office in Pembroke.

West Carleton-March is part of the City of Ottawa. As such, we would like the federal electoral district boundary for Kanata-Carleton to remain as it is currently.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my written submission. Your time and consideration are appreciated.

Kind regards,

Eli El-Chantiry

City Councillor,

West Carleton-March Ward 5

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