Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 75 commentaires et rétroaction

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Kimberley Swartz

I live in the community of Stittsville, Ontario - a suburb community within Ottawa. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed redistribution of Stittsville across two separate electoral ridings - Kanata and Carleton.

Currently the community is represented in a single electoral riding of Carleton. The current proposal by the commission will see Stittsville divided in two ridings diluting our community representation at the federal level.

I believe the public interests of Stittsville residents would be best served by a single member of parliament and riding. Residents of Stittsville share the same issues, infrastructure and resources. It only makes sense that the community be represented in whole. As our interests align more closely with those of Kanata, I appeal that all of Stittsville be represented in the proposed Kanata riding, as opposed to Carleton which is majority rural.

Stittsville is one community and deserves the respect and recognition as such in terms of its political representation.


Kimberley Swartz

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