Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 77 commentaires et rétroaction

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Elizabeth Sweetnam

I do not support the proposal to move areas of West Carleton to the Renfrew district. This proposal can only be looking at numbers and not at the goal of a shared community.

I would like West Carleton to remain with the Kanata district. West Carleton residents share life with our neighbours in Kanata. Families from Kanata go to school in West Carleton and families from West Carleton go work and play in Kanata. West Carleton and Kanata are also both part of Ottawa which again gives us a shared framework. West Carleton does not share interests with Renfrew.

I think having an elected official represent a Renfrew district that included West Carleton would be an unreasonable goal.

I think West Carleton would be better represented by remaining with the Kanata district. We have a strong connection to each other.

Thank you for reconsidering your proposal.

Sincerely, Elizabeth Sweetnam

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