Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 78 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jennifer Jennekens

Please find attached copy of my proposal regarding the redistribution of the Federal Riding of Carleton

October 28, 2022

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

PO Box 37018 Southdale

London, Ontario, N6E 3T3

Sent via email

Dear Commissioners,

Re: Redistribution I Federal District Riding of Carleton

I write to share my perspective on your proposal for the redistribution of boundaries for the federal riding of Carleton. As the OCDSB Public School Board Trustee, I represent a large area of suburban and rural communities in the south of the City of Ottawa including the community of Findlay Creek, Ontario.

Findlay Creek is a community that is notably misplaced within the riding of Carleton. From my perspective, this community's interests are more in line with the riding of Ottawa South where families enjoy dining, entertainment, and education. While new provincial capital funding has recently been announced for the building of a second elementary school in Findlay Creek, students travel to the riding of Ottawa South to attend high school at Ridgemont High School. Ridgemont High School is in the federal riding of Ottawa South.

Therefore, I am advocating the following proposal to transfer the community of Findlay Creek to the riding of Ottawa South. Families with students that I represent in Findlay Creek should be served by all levels of government that are more aligned to their community.

Thank you for your consideration,

Kind regards,

Jennifer Jennekens

Jennifer Jennekens

OCDSB School Trustee

Riverside South-Findlay Creek, Osgoode

Recommended Changes to Federal Riding of Carleton Subtract Findlay Creek: transfer to Ottawa South

Geography of recommended boundary changes (in red on map)

Leitrim Road east to Albion Road

Albion Road south to Municipal Ward 22 southern boundary Municipal Ward 22 southern boundary east to Hawthorne Road Hawthorne Road north to Hunt Club Road.

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Estimated population of recommended boundary changes: 14,171 Source: ridingbuilder,

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