Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 87 commentaires et rétroaction

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Phil Sweetnam

My son Craig asked for a little assistance in preparing for his presentation to the commission. In the process of preparing for my thoughts on how we could justify leaving all of West Carleton in with Kanata I discovered that Bells Corners is part of the proposed Kanata Electoral District (ED). The inclusion of Bells Corners with Kanata is very inappropriate. Bells Corners has little to do with Kanata and the residents have always considered that Bells Corners was part of Nepean.

Removing Bells Corners from the Kanata ED would certainly provide an adequate population removal to allow all the population of West Carleton to be in the Kanata ED. West Carleton has always had a close association with Kanata as this is where West Carleton and Constance Bay residents work, get medical treatment,do their shopping, and attend some sports facilities.

The 11,000 people of Bells Corners should remain with their traditional roots in Nepean. This is a separate community which has its own grocery stores, repair shops, medical facilities, sports facilities Newspapers and accommodation for visitors. The extra population could be accommodated in the adjacent EDs of Carleton, Ottawa West Nepean, and Nepean. This would bring each of those capital EDs to a population of about 125,500.

I do not believe any of these EDAs would object to having Bells Corners to be represented as part of Nepean which is the area it has always been part of.

If the commission leaves all of West Carleton as part of the Kanata ED and Bells Corners as part of Nepean they will be respecting traditional community borders. Both communities will work within the areas they have traditionally been involved in.

Thank you for considering this part of my original presentation!


Phil Sweetnam

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