Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 3 commentaires et rétroaction

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Derek Satnik

Thank you for doing this public consultation.

The proposed riding redistribution is difficult work, amd I'm sure you will have large amounts of feedback. Please accept this as constructive feedback.

Kitchener South should not be combined with North Dumfries. The two areas are far more different than they are similar, and the growing population of Kitchener South will overwhelm and distort the propsed riding's ability to represent the interests and needs of the voters in North Dumfries. Combining the two is the same as ignoring and deleting North Dumfries. I live in Kitchener Centre now, but I lived for years in Kitchener South. I love the area and I know the riding well. The needs of Kitchener South are not compatible with the meets of North Dumfries. The two need to be in separate ridings for them to be represented properly.

If there is a desire to merge ridings then I would propose that the needs of Kitchener Centre are inherently (sub)urban, and the needs of North Dumfries are inherently rural. It would be more constructive and effective to combine the (sub)urban portions of Kitchener South with those of Kitchener-Conestoga, and to combine the rural portions of Kitchener-Conestoga with North Dumfries into a proper rural riding (perhaps Conestoga-North Dumfries).

Speaking very practically, highway 401 is a strong physical boundary between the (sub)urban fabric of Kitchener-Waterloo and the rural areas beyond the highway. It does not make sense to combine North Dumfries with Kitchener-South.

Please redraft the boundaries around these ridings. Thank you for considering my feedback.

Kind regards,

Derek Satnik

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