Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 17 commentaires et rétroaction

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Cory de Villiers

I am writing to request that the electoral boundaries for Kitchener South - Hespeler remain unchanged for the Federal Electoral Distribution.

The proposed boundary changes threaten to dilute our community's voice in Ottawa. The new boundary would literally cut our community in half, and "Hespeler" itself would be completely wiped off the map.

Hespeler Village has a proud history that has remained intact through the ravages of deindustrialization and the amalgamation into the City of Cambridge in 1974. Despite all of this our community identity has solidified and grown stronger. The Hespeler Village core that straddles both sides of the Speed River is experiencing unprecedented renewal, we have our own junior hockey team, our own farmers market, our own Santa Claus Parade, our own high school, our own legion and one unified multicultural voice.

The proposed boundary line that follows an arbitrary geographical feature (The Speed River) completely ignores the realities of our existing community that has been in existance for 100's of years. It also serves to undermine our heritage, and remove our Village's name from yet another map.

Hespeler Village's resilience was on full display this season as we emerged from Covid stronger, more vibrant (and more fun) than ever. Please see attached so that you can feel the community we are fortunate to have here in Hespeler Village.

Cory de Villiers

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