Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 19 commentaires et rétroaction

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Dave Williams

As a resident of Norfolk County, I am support of the Commission's proposal for redistribution.

  1. As far as Norfolk residents, there is a much closer relationship with Tillsonburg than Dunnville. In fact because of Dunnville being situated in the South Eastern part of Haldimand, I see Caledonia being more of a hub for Haldimand than Dunnville.
  2. As far as rural representation I don't see any reduced distribution with the commission's proposal.
  3. I am particularly pleased that Six Nations in included in the newly proposed riding. There is a strong affiliation between Six Nations and Hagersville and Caledonia.

The hospital (West Haldimand General Hospital) that serves Six Nations is located in Hagersville.

I view the opposition of the current MP for Haldimand Norfolk as an attempt to maintain her seat.

Dave Williams

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