Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 31 commentaires et rétroaction

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Clifford Vanclief

RE — Hespeler Electoral Boundary Change

To; Lynne C. Leitch, Karen Bird, Peter John Loewen,

I am writing to represent the Hespeler Village BIA, to request that the electoral boundaries for Kitchener South - Hespeler remain unchanged for Federal Electoral Distribution.

The proposed boundary line that follows an arbitrary geographical feature (The Speed River) completely ignores the realities of our existing community that has been in existence for 100's of years. It also serves to undermine our heritage and remove our Village's name from yet another map. Since the last boundary change the BIA and the merchants have finally been successful in having Hespeler recognized as a destination spot for tourism, business, community market and the film industry. Just last week MP Valerie Bradford spoke about out Hespeler Village Market in the House. During our summer event #walkqueen we had over 20000 unique visitors. Removing Hespeler from our electoral boundary name would damage all the work we have worked on to revitalize downtown Hespeler.

The BIA recently conducted a Petition and collected 135 signatures to date to support leaving the existing electoral boundaries unchanged. I have included a link in the email to view the petition for the results.

In closing, Hespeler is a passionate, robust and vibrant village that has a deep history in Ontario and we hope to keep that name recognition for other generations to celebrate our diversity, culture and heritage.

Thank you for your consideration and I am happy to discuss further.

Clifford Vanclief

Chair — Hespeler Village BIA

Vice President — The Hub Bicycle Shop

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