Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 37 commentaires et rétroaction

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Delanie Rye, Kevin Rye

We are writing to express our concern with the proposed changes to our Oxford Riding which would swallow our village and surrounding area in to the newly proposed London Northeast Riding.

We have serious concerns that our rural voice would be diluted in a predominantly urban riding. Rural and city residents have vastly different issues. If we are not represented by a rural voice, I fear that our needs will not be heard or met. Secondly I question the benefits of moving west Zorra and Tillsonburg out of and Paris into the Oxford riding - is it really really worth it to cause so much public upheaval?

We, and many local residents, are completely against this proposed change.

Thank you,

Delanie and Kevin Rye

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