Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 38 commentaires et rétroaction

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Denis F. Lanno

I am a resident of Cambridge living in Hespeler. I've recently learned about the plan being considered for this riding, and I have some concerns. If the proposal goes through it will essentially divide the community of Hespeler in two.

Hespeler was recently severed from Cambridge to join Kitchener South, and this was disturbing at the time. I believed, the intent was to keep communities united, so being separated from Cambridge was troubling. Cambridge is unique, because of the amalgamation of Gault, Preston, and Hespeler, so the redistribution actually removed our community from this electoral district. Many Hespeler residents were very upset with this, and here we are again discussing the redistribution of Hespeler.

Hespeler will no longer be recognized, because of the dissolution of the name Hespeler from the riding name, we essentially will become nomads with no connection to our geographical community.

Hespeler, is a proud community, and being moved from one voting district to another makes us feel as though we are disposable. I have always voted for the best candidate, but continuously changing the voting district makes it difficult to connect with any of them. Hespeler, separated from Cambridge by the 401, has always had a sense of independence, and community recognition as the busy bee district, please don't split the hive. We love our community, and the thought of being governed by two separate MP's is not palatable.

Thank you for your consideration, and I hope you can find alternative solutions to achieve your goals. Please keep the Community of Hespeler United.


Denis F. Lanno

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