Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 49 commentaires et rétroaction

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Melanie Van Alphen

I live in Woolwich Township which is part of the riding of Kitchener-Conestoga, and I feel it is important to share a few suggestions with you regarding the redistribution.

Thank you for the work you and many others have done on this proposal, certainly not an easy undertaking and it is appreciated. After reviewing the proposed redistribution of the Kitchener-Conestoga riding, I have a couple of thoughts to share that I hope you will consider when moving to the next step.

The first area I would like to focus on is your proposed intention to split Hespeler in half bringing a portion of this area to Kitchener-Conestoga, next to Woolwich Township. I personally believe this would be a mistake. Hespeler is a very connected and strong community that should be kept united and together, splitting them would create an unnecessary disconnect. The people living in Hespeler are very proud of their community and share a unique and distinct identity with their own separate events and activities. It makes much more sense to keep this specific area together as a whole with Kitchener-South Hespeler

The second area I would like to focus on is the proposed intention to move the Rosenberg area to Kitchener-South Hespeler. Similarly to the above comments, this would be separating an already connected community. The residents of the Rosenberg area share services such as community centres and schools with the residents of the Williamsburg area. It would be nice to keep these communities together as part of the Kitchener-Conestoga riding.

It is important to keep communities connected and unified as much as possible when examining the redistribution of Kitchener-Conestoga. Keeping communities connected will only strengthen the riding and keep everyone working together.

Lastly, I would like to suggest the name for the Kitchener-Conestoga riding be reviewed to be more inclusive of the riding. This riding encompasses three major Townships, Woolwich, Wellesley, and Wilmot, and a portion of Kitchener. The town of Conestogo is in Woolwich Township and is a very tiny part of the riding. It is also called the town of Conestogo, not Conestoga. As a resident in this riding, I have often felt the name excluded many people in the riding and really doesn't bring us all together.

In closing, please consider keeping Hespeler together with the Kitchener-South Hespeler riding and keep the Rosenberg area with the riding of Kitchener-Conestoga. A review and possible change of the riding name would also be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your consideration. Your work is respected and appreciated.


Melanie Van Alphen

Woolwich Township

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