Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 52 commentaires et rétroaction

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Mindy Gulas

Districts that do not coincide with the provincial county districts leave residents (such as myself and my neighbours in Harley Ontario) voting for an MP that doesn't manage the issues that pertain to the county they reside. How can we feel that our voices are heard in our own region and that the best choices are made for our small section of the county that we pay our taxes to, when the representative knows our vote doesn't matter anyway? The number of people in this outlying area is miniscule. Further the first past the post is not a valid representation of the voices of all Canadians when we are lumping groups into regions for one representative to make a decision for all. In this current world where equality and technology advances are the focus, I think we can do much better to ensure everyone's voices are heard and everyone is treated equally as Canadians.

To summarize, I would like to see our district change to match the county boundaries so that myself and my neighbours vote for the MP in Brant County where we reside and pay taxes so we can be sure our voices are heard and matter. I would echo this for any region in Ontario that the electoral region does not coincide with the provincial district.

Mindy Gulas, R.Kin

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