Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 53 commentaires et rétroaction

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Nancy Dickson

I am a citizen in what is now the riding of Kitchener South-Hespeler and I live in Hespeler. The last time the boundaries were changed, Hespeler was removed from the city of which it is a part - the city of Cambridge. This was very difficult for citizens of this city as we now had two MPs for one city. However we have worked around that and united the citizens of Hespeler. Now with the proposed changes divisions are being created once again. It would have made sense to reunite the City of Cambridge but instead, the thought is to divide Hespeler so that it is now in two different ridings - making the city of Cambridge divided among three ridings. That really is divisive to city unity. My proposal would be to leave things as they are for now until the next review.

I checked the numbers within all the ridings in this region and leaving them as they are does not send any one of the Waterloo Region ridings over the maximum stated.

Please consider this proposal.

Thank you

Nancy Dickson B.A M.Sc. Ed.

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