Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 54 commentaires et rétroaction

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Omar Samad

My name is Omar Samad and I have lived and worked in Waterloo Region for the past 7 years. It's where my wife and I are raising our four children.

I am writing regarding the Commission's proposal for the ridings of Waterloo, Kitchener-Conestoga and Kitchener Centre. While I live in Kitchener-Conestoga, I am on the border of all three of these ridings near University Ave and Fischer Hallman road. In this area, half of University Ave is in Waterloo and half is in Kitchener-Conestoga. Heading south on Fischer Hallman Road, half is in Kitchener-Conestoga and half is in Kitchener-Centre. These neighbourhoods blend together using the same schools, services, transit and shopping centres.

Through years of living, working, raising a family and volunteering in this community I feel that I have a good understanding of these neighbourhoods and how they would be affected by the proposed changes.

Please consider the following while fine-tuning the final plan for Waterloo, Kitchener Centre and Kitchener-Conestoga.

  1. As proposed, move the piece of Kitchener (near Bridgeport) from Waterloo to Kitchener Centre. With Waterloo's growth it makes sense to do this.
  2. Move the Forest Hill neighbourhood from Kitchener Center to Kitchener-Conestoga. Forest Hill and Forest Heights (which is already in Kitchener-Conestoga) are connected neighbourhoods without much distinction. They share a community centre, library, pool, schools, churches and more.
  3. Keep the Rosenberg area in Kitchener Conestoga. This neighbourhood is well connected with Williamsburg (already in Kitchener-Conestoga). They share schools, a community centre, shopping plazas, transit, etc.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my views. I appreciate your work on redistribution in Waterloo Region.


Omar Samad

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