Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 59 commentaires et rétroaction

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Stephen Molnar

Federal Electoral District Redistribution Commission 2022

PO Box 37018 Southdale

London, ON N6E 3T3


RE: Written Submissions- Proposed Federal Electoral Boundaries

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to support comments from Mayor Stephen Molnar in support of his delegation to the Commissioner on September 27, 2022 and to provide additional comments received from members of the Tillsonburg community in regards to the proposed adjustment of the federal electoral boundaries. It is understood that the deadline for written submissions is October 29, 2022.

If you require any additional information please feel free to contact me.


Laura Pickersgill

Executive Assistant/Assistant Clerk


Correspondence — Gerald and Caroline Nibbelink — September 29, 2022
Correspondence — Elizabeth Graham — September 29, 2022
Correspondence — Jeff Helsdon — September 1, 2022
Correspondence — Fred Van Heck — September 3, 2022
Correspondence — Mayor Stephen Molnar — October 26, 2022

  • From:
  • To:
  • Subject:
  • Date:
  • Clerks Office
  • Tillsonburg opposes proposed changes
  • Thursday, September 29, 2022 5:41:08 PM

Caution: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or on clicking links from unknown senders.

I don't agree with the changes either. Next thing will be Tillsonburg being swallowed up and becoming part of London.

I was born in Mimico and that later became a small part of Etobicoke, along with many other small towns - New Toronto, Long Branch, Alderwood and some others. Now they have all lost their identity and are part of Toronto. Not good.

We moved to Tillsonburg 24 years ago to get away from the big city and we love it here. Don't make the change. Once it's done you can't go back.

Elizabeth Ann Graham

  • From:
  • To:
  • Subject:
  • Date:
  • Clerks Office
  • Tillsonburg removal from Oxford Couty Federal Election
  • Thursday, September 29, 2022 11:52:32 AM

We do not agree with this change. We are Oxford Provincially represented, why would you put us in another county for Federal election. This can only hurt our status when it comes to our welfare. This change is not a benefit for the residents of Tillsonburg.

Gerald and Caroline Nibblelink


Tillsonburg, ON


Sent from my Bell Samsung device over Canada's largest network.

Mayor Molnar and Tillsonburg Councillors:

I am writing today about the current proposal put forward by Elections Canada for realignment of the electoral boundaries..

As I am sure you are aware the current proposal is to split the current Oxford County riding in two. Under the proposal, Tillsonburg will be assigned to the new Haldimand-Norfolk-Six Nations riding. The west end of Brantford will then be in the new riding of Oxford-Brant.

I believe I have a unique perspective to these changes as a resident of Tillsonburg and employee of the MPP in Haldimand-Norfolk. As you know, provincial boundaries often follow those of the federal ridings.

If this proposal goes forward, Tillsonburg will be the largest population centre in the new riding, yet its name is not part of the riding name. The real issues go far beyond the name of the riding though. With the new riding, Tillsonburg will be the only municipality in Oxford County which will be going to a MPP and MP in a different riding for support. This makes no sense and won't be efficient.

Beyond the issues facing Tillsonburg, the bigger picture problem is a diminished rural voice. Through these proposals, Ontario is gaining one seat yet rural ridings are growing in size. Elgin County is a perfect example with a doubling of the area of the riding. Basic math says the number of urban ridings will increase.

Low voter turnout has long been a problem in Canada for politicians of all levels. One of the common reasons for citizen disengagement in the political process is people feel their voice is not heard. By making rural ridings smaller and diminishing the rural voice, it is making the problem worse, not better.

As co-campaign manager for Bobbi Ann Brady, the only independent MPP elected in Ontario, one thing we heard on the campaign trail was people's dissatisfaction with the political party system. They don't feel their voice was being heard. I submit this as local evidence of the citizen disengagement in the political process, and question why Elections Canada would do anything to escalate this sentiment.

Some of you may have attended the AMO convention recently in Ottawa. Did you notice that these proposals were released two days after the convention wound up? Let's remember an election is taking place in Quebec this year too. These facts, combined with the short deadlines, lead one to believe the goal was to rush the riding alignment through with as little resistance as possible.

Through discussions with federal political staff, I learned that when setting boundaries, Elections Canada is to stick to a range of 5 to 25 per cent of the population target. The commission that put forward this proposal was given a mandate to stick closer to five per cent.

To the average person this translates into representation by population or representation by geography. The current proposal definitely is representation by population— a proposal that disadvantages rural areas of Canada.

As a resident of Tillsonburg, I ask you to not take these proposals lightly. I imagine I will be the only one writing on this issue as it's not one that people are engaged with until it impacts them — when it's too late. Please use all the tools at your disposal to oppose the redistribution proposal.

Thank you

Jeff Helsdon

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