Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 17 commentaires et rétroaction

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Federation of Agriculture

Electoral Districts

Comments to Chairwoman Lynne Leitch, Peter Loewen, Karen Bird

  1. Comment I tore up my notes – I have new comments
  2. I'm from Chatham-Kent Federation of Agriculture. We have a rural / urban divide – rural & urban can work together
  3. Quote from the Middlesex Federation of Agriculture
    1. Municipalities should not be in more than one Electoral District
    2. Counties should be fragmented into as few electoral districts as is possible
  4. Panel you are being asked to add 1 more electoral district to 121 districts. Surely you can find 1 district that would like another electoral district
  5. We need wider tolerances on the rigid 10% on the 116,590 population per E.D. -25% is OK
  6. Why does P.E.I. continue to need 4 E.D.
  7. Our current E.D. have a sense of community – let us be together as we are
  8. Last point put CK together as it was originally
  9. Most important point to the Electoral District Panel – Ontario loses 1% of Ontario Farmland each year. In 20 yrs. We lose 20% of Ontario Farmland - must begin to save farmland NOW.
  10. Thank you, I am done. # 23 of 26 presentations

Yours very truly,

Bill Parks




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