Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 23 commentaires et rétroaction

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Evan (unreadable signature)

Re: Federal Electoral Redistribution Districts for Ontario

Please accept this submission on behalf of myself, a resident of Dawn-Euphemia Township, with respect to the proposed boundaries for the Federal Electoral Redistribution Districts for Ontario.

It is my understanding that the mandate of the Electoral Boundaries Commissions in the Federal Redistribution Process, is to consider reasonable electoral district boundaries, the communities of interest or communities of identity in, and the historical pattern of, electoral districts, and a manageable geographic size for districts in sparsely populated, rural or northern regions of the province.

The first concern regarding the proposed boundaries, is if the Commission indeed has the best interests of the communities at heart, then I respectfully request that you do not implement the new proposed boundaries of the Sarnia-Lambton-Bkejwanong and the Elgin-Middlesex-Thames districts, because it essentially dissects our Township in half, along the previous boundaries of the former Township of Dawn and the former Township of Euphemia (prior to amalgamation). The relatively newly formed Township of Dawn-Euphemia amalgamated in 1998, and since then, Council and staff have struggled to bring these former Township's together by combining services, fees, policies, procedures, and bylaws. This was a difficult process for not only Council and staff, but for the residents who struggled to embrace their new identity of being considered one municipality.

Should the Commission implement the proposed new boundaries through the middle of our Township, this could very well re-ignite the historical dissention and past individualism of these former Townships, and further hinder the progress Council has made over the pasl24 years in promoting the unity of both former Townships. As well, the new proposed boundaries may not only encourage division, but it will most definitely create confusion amongst our residents as now they will need to contend with two different Members of Parliament (MP's).

lf indeed the historical pattern of electoral districts are being considered in the development of the new boundaries, the Commission should have realized that historically (and to the best of my knowledge) this Township (even prior to amalgamation) has never been separated for electoral purposes. Furthermore, the Township's geographic land area of 445 square kilometers, agricultural economy and sparse population of less than 2,000 would not create a population disparity by keeping the municipality together and adding the entire Township to one district or the other.

The second concern with the proposed boundaries is that in accordance with the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, the Commission must make every effort to ensure that the population of each electoral district in the province remains within 25 per cent more, or 25 per cent less, of the Quota. The Quota for 2022 is to have approx. 117,000 people represented by one MP. The new proposed Sarnia-Lambton-Bkejwanong riding would be 127,000. The population of Lambton County according to 2016 census is 123,399. Lt would appear more reasonable to have only one (1) federal member of parliament represent Lambton County as opposed to a total of three (3), one from the new proposed ridings of Sarnia-Lambton Bkejwanong, South Huron Shores and Elgin-Middlesex-Thames. Additionally, Lambton County municipalities have been making progress with local indigenous communities over the years, by improving relations by promoting value-added consultations, recognizing traditional territories and building trust in our relationships. The proposed new boundaries could potentially impair the trust and progress made by municipalities. Therefore, sound practical judgement dictates these relations intact and leaving Lambton County as one riding.

The third concern with the proposed boundaries is the very limited time given to municipalities to comment. The schedule of public hearings is a five-week window beginning the week of September 26 and ending October 29, with only one day that a// the municipalities in Southwestern Ontario are scheduled to participate. Obviously, it is impossible for each municipality to have an opportunity to adequately convey their concerns. Furthermore, municipalities across Ontario are in the midst of their Municipal and School Board Elections. With the public hearings ending at the end of October, there is no opportunity for newly elected Council Members to provide comment. Therefore, with the Municipal Election date of October 24th fast approaching, in order to extend the common courtesy to newly elected Councils to comment on this very important issue, I respectfully request that the public hearings be extended a minimum of three (3) more months.

ln conclusion to this submission, I respectfully request the following (1) that the Township of Dawn-Euphemia, not be divided, but rather the Commission respects the existing municipal boundaries and that our Township remain whole and be placed in one district or the other; and (2)that Lambton County be considered as one riding as it fits within the criteria for the Quota requirements and it does not create any grave disparities; and (3) that the Commission extends the time limit for public comment a minimum of three (3) more months in order to give newly elected municipal councils the opportunity to adequately respond to the proposed new Federal Electoral Redistribution Districts.


Evan (unreadable signature)

New proposed electoral boundary

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission. Red dotted line, township of Dawn-Euphemia Boundary. Purple line, proposed 'New' Electoral Boundary. Proposed 'new' boundary dissects Dawn-Euphemia in half.

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