Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 34 commentaires et rétroaction

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Ed O'Brien

I have a concern on the projected redistribution of the Chatham-Kent Leamington Electoral District. My concern is regarding the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. The Municipality is still somewhat a new Municipality as it has been in existence since January 1, 1998. The Municipality is fractioned in my opinion due to various reasons. The former City of Chatham has 6 councillors of 16 total members of the entire Municiplality, 17 including the Mayor. This has created a view by the outlying rural areas that the former City of Chatham councilors have been able to dictate or control the entire Municipality. This is an issue everywhere within the rural communities throughout Chatham-Kent. There is also merit to the argument.

The Redistribution will divide the Municipality from Federal and eventually Provincial representation from 2 current MP's and MPP's to 3 MP's and MPP's. I look at this as changing the whole dimension of the Municipality and fracturing it even more. Costs for Government grants and annual funding will cost more to request and deliver by the various Government agencies.

There should be a way to create an Electoral District or Riding that includes only the Municipal Boundary of the Former County of Kent and now the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. I know the population is not perfect as desired but it would certainly help to create and fortify a united Municipality of Chatham –Kent rather than fracture it even more.

I welcome your questions and I look forward to your response.

Ed O'Brien

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