Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 38 commentaires et rétroaction

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Mike Fisher

I live in Windsor, Ontario and am currently located within the boundaries for the riding of Windsor West. Were the proposed boundary changes to be implemented, residents in my neighbourhood, along with residents of a couple other select areas of South Windsor, would be shifted to the riding of Essex . Given we live within the City of Windsor boundaries and are represented within the city at the municipal level, I feel we would be best represented at provincial and federal levels grouped with fellow Windsor residents rather than having us group in as a small subset with the residents of the towns of Essex County. It really wouldn't make sense to take this small subset of Windsor and move it into the Essex riding as it could confuse and complicate issues for representation. There are also significant natural areas that are within the City of Windsor boundaries that are being considered for a proposed Ojibway National Urban Park that currently fall within Windsor West and it would seem to make the most sense at this time for these to remain grouped in Windsor West rather than included in a riding instead with neighbouring towns. I would recommend that all neighbourhoods of Windsor be grouped into Windsor West or Windsor - Tecumseh, rather than taking a small group of Windsor residents and splitting them into a third riding with Essex.

Thank you for your consideration.

-Mike Fisher

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