Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Ainslee Tracey

I feel that it is wrong to be splitting and dividing so many municipal areas into two separate ridings. This will have great effects on who can be MP & MPP for those areas, provincial and federal funding provided to these areas, services provided to these areas, the accessibility of members to the public and so many other complications that can be avoided.

Elgin-Middlesex-London has included the entirety of Elgin County for many years and the new proposed areas splits not only Elgin County up but also splits smaller municipalities such as Southwold, Central Elgin among others up into two separate ridings when it is not necessary.

Also having an area that includes part of a large city, one small city and then rural areas but the most voters are coming from the large city will have harsh ramifications on the small city and rural areas, loosing sight of their needs and their voice.

Please re-consider where these boundaries are and keep our municipalities and counties together in one riding.

Thank you!

Ainslee Tracey

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