Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Marie Vander Wvyngaard

I am a resident of London, Ontario, and have been for many decades.

With London's rapid and continued growth, we should strengthen our representation. London Members of Parliament need to be focused on issues like the lack of housing, a deficit of services, mental health and addiction support and a severe need to address poverty and homelessness. While these issues aren't unique to urban living, the city benefits from having urban MPs who can focus wholly on the city's challenges.

Many rural communities outside of London are worried about being drowned out by being lumped in with a much larger urban population. They are afraid their voices will get lost, and their issues won't get the fair representation they deserve. While I have always fought for all my constituents, I also want to make sure that rural communities voices are heard.

London doesn't have enough population to have four seats entirely within the city limit but, this shouldn't result in the city losing that urban focused representation. Neighbourhoods that have been working together to address the severe challenges faced by our city could be split apart by the new boundaries. While the commission is trying its best to address the growing population, it should consider the historical boundaries that we have worked with for decades. London must maintain at least three urban seats.

I implore you to please maintain our urban representation in London, Ontario.


Marie VanderWyngaard

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