Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Eric Nixon

I am a resident of Forest, ON, which is part of the Municipality of Lambton Shores, located in Lambton County. I would like to object most strenuously to the 2022 redistribution plans for our current riding of Lambton-Kent-Middlesex. Currently, this riding is one of two in Lambton County, along with Sarnia-Lambton. Under the new proposals, these two ridings would be split further into three, with two of them having very small parts of Lambton County, and neither of those ridings' names referring to Lambton County (Elgin-Middlesex-Thames and South Huron Shores). I feel that the Lambton municipalities contained within those ridings would be at a severe disadvantage in terms of representation from their MPs and consideration of applications for federal funding programs.

I believe the solution would be to have all of Lambton County in one riding. Under the current proposal, the third riding of Sarnia-Lambton-Bkejwanong would have a population of about 127,200. The entire population of Lambton County is just 128,154, so it would make sense to have all those people in one riding, rather than splitting them up into three ridings that are not representative of all people in Lambton County.

Thank you for your consideration.

Warm regards,

Eric Nixon

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