Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 100 commentaires et rétroaction

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Joanna Forde

My name is Joanna Forde. I live in the neighbourhood of Andover Trails, on the south side of Southdale Road in London, Ontario.

I am a Londoner. I work in London. I shop in London.

I enjoy parks and recreational activities in London.

I access services at the personal, local, Municipal and Federal levels here in London.

Not only am I a Londoner, but I am also a West Londoner. I do all the things I've mentioned above within my neighbourhood and my immediate community.

However, Federally, I have been considered part of the rural community of Elgin by a literal stone's throw.

What affects my city and my community affects me. Locally and municipally, I share a voice with my fellow Londoners and my West London neighbours to affect change.

This should also reflect Federally-- as the challenges and needs of the citizens of Elgin and Middlesex do not reflect my urban view.

In the current Proposal for Redistribution, I see that changes have been made to align my area to London West. I know there will be many challenges for you to consider within London, as we are a rapidly growing community with very rural surroundings

I am writing to ask that you keep this proposed new boundary intact.

As happy as I am with the changes that will affect me, I am also writing to advocate for the rural citizens who have now been swallowed into districts that don't match their communities.

I think of those north of the city in Arva, east of the city in Thamesford and Putnam, and the citizens of St. Thomas, in particular.

Will these proposed changes serve them for the next ten years? Will they have a voice federally that reflects their needs within their communities?

Being in an electoral district outside your home community is confusing and frustrating. I do not wish this on my fellow citizens.

The folks in these communities have chosen them for a reason, and their needs deserve to have a voice at the table that is truly representative of them.

I understand that population growth in some areas has left you no choice but to draw a boundary that will be inconvenient, but speaking as someone who has been in this position for 13 years, there must be another way.

As much as I encourage change for myself, I would like you to please listen carefully to the plight of those who will come to you as outliers.

Question all solutions, even those that may not fit current funding models. Is it better to add a district rather than try to fit square pegs into round holes, jurisdictionally speaking?

This problem within Southwestern Ontario will continue over the following years, so a progressive solution now may be the best one for a smooth future.

Thank you for your consideration.

Joanna Forde

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